The transmission diagnostics procedure.
First we park your car in our Fort Lauderdale Transmission shop's repair garage and lay down protection mats and other things to protect your car and keep it clean while we work on it. We are very professional at our shop and take great care to protect your car.
An ASE Certified Mechanic then takes your vehicle on a road driving test to evaluate the vehicle's performance and analyze the problem from the drivability of your transmission. After the road test we perform what is called a "Drive Line Diagnostics Test". We use an advanced computer system and software to identify the malfunction codes in the car's Transmission control Unit. This tells us what errors are occurring and gives us a clearer picture of the problems that need addressing.
We then hoist your car or truck on our shop's lift so that the CST ASE Certified Mechanic can further look into the external components of the transmission such as the electrical connections, drive shaft, differentials, axles and transfer casing. Beyond the technical aspects we also look into the safety of the car so that your family can rest easy knowing the car is safe to drive outside of the transmission functions.
Our customer service manager Jerry, at Fort Lauderdale Transmission Repair Shop will speak with you about his findings and recommendations for repairing your vehicle. We will provide you with a very fair and reasonable quote to repair your automatic transmission or repair your manual transmission. Once the quote is given to you we stick to that price with no surprises. We will only begin work once we have your written approval. Once that happens, your vehicle will go directly to the repair stage and in many cases you can have your car back the next business day!